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The ZBD04A is a modern mechanized infantry combat vehicle of Chinese origin. The ZBD04A is the successor of the ZBD04 and trades in its amphibious capability for an increased protection level. Some sources use the name ZBD08 for this vehicle, but apparently that designation is not used by the PLA.

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Project 636 Varshavyanka class

Project 636 Varshavyanka is a class of diesel-electric attack submarines of Russian origin. In the West these ships are known as the "Improved Kilo class". The name Varshavyanka refers to the Warsaw pact. This class was initially developed for export to Warsaw Pact nations. After the fall of the Soviet Union the final stages of the development were financed by China, which is the major export customer for this class.

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100mm KSM-65

The KSM-65 is an early Cold War era coastal defense gun of Soviet origin. Development started in the later stages of World War 2 as the S-65. Although the S-65 successfully passed Soviet state trials in 1948, the decision was made in 1951 to base the new coastal defense system on the 100mm KS-19 anti-aircraft gun and add an advanced off-mount fire control system for the entire battery.

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Rb 08

The Rb 08 is an early Cold War era anti-ship missile of Swedish origin. The design was derived from the French Nord Aviation CT.20 target drone. The Rb 08 was one of the first operational Western anti-ship missiles.

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THE WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE WEAPON DATABASE provides a full and complete overview of world wide used weapons. This website provides weapon systems sorted by country inventory.