Left side view of Sola Super with stock in extended position.
Source: www.world.guns.ru -
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The Sola Super is a sub machine gun of Luxembourgeoise origin. It was designed in the early 1950's as an ultra cheap weapon for export sales. Despite its low cost sales were rather limited due to its size, weight and limited reliability. After a few years production was discontinued.
The Sola Super resembles the Belgian Vigneron both externally and internally. The Sola Super is a blowback operated weapon that consists of only 38 parts. With the exception of the pistol grip the weapon is fully made out of metal. A retractable wire shoulder stock is fitted. The magazines doubles as a forward grip.
The Sola Super fires the 9x19mm round from 32 round box magazines of the same type as used in the MP40. The cyclic rate of fire is 550 rpm. The rather long barrel results in a good range and high muzzle velocity. The muzzle compensator helps a little to fight the rather strong recoil. The maximum effective range is 150 meters.
Even though the Sola Super was very cheap it did not sell very well. Other weapons on the market were only slightly more expensive and of much better quality. Quantities have been exported to Africa and South America.
The Sola Super is a sub machine gun that is inspired by the Belgian Vigneron and looks rather similar.
The Sola Super is the original production model. This was produced in much larger numbers than the Sola Lèger.
The original Sola Super was found rather heavy and in order to improve sales the Sola Léger was introduced in 1957, the same year production of all Sola sub machine guns stopped.
As the name suggests the Sola Léger is a lightened model. The trigger system was simplified, the dust cover removed and the flash hider eliminated. The result was a lighter weapon with even worse performance than the original Sola Super.
The design of the Sola Super was heavily inspired by the Belgian Vigneron sub machine gun.
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