A 155mm WA-021 with APU displayed in the firing position.
Source: Chinese internet -
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Export model that is mostly seen without APU. Also available with APU, but far less common. Also known as the WAC21, which might be an error in which the number 0 in WA021 was interpreted as the letter C.
Chinese service model. Only acquired in a small batch. Possibly called Type 89 at an earlier stage. Adopted in 1991 and seen in public in the 1999 parade. Possibly renamed PLL01 at a later stage when integrated with the same forward observation vehicle, fire control and weather radar as developed for export with the PLZ-45.
Improved export model introduced in the 2010's. Marketed with an improved APU over the WA-021. Possibly available without APU upon request. The AH1 retains the L/45 ordnance, while the AH2 (described separately) is an AH1 with L/52 ordnance.
The PLL01 / WA-021 is based on the technical design package acquired from Noricum, which produced and marketed the GH N-45. These systems are nearly identical in appearance and performance.
The PLZ45 is a self-propelled howitzer developed for export sales. This uses the same 155mm 45-caliber ordnance.
The AH2 is a further development of the PLL01 / AH1 and is fitted with a longer 52-caliber ordnance.
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