A GM-94 grenade launcher and three associated rounds.
Source: KardeN -
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The GM-94 is a grenade launcher of Russian origin. It was developed in the early 1990's by KBP Tula and was specifically designed for urban warfare. The wide variety of ammunition makes the GM-94 a very versatile system. Against infantry in buildings thermobaric rounds can be used, infantry in the open can be engaged with fragmentation rounds, shaped charge rounds will disable light armored vehicles and various non lethal rounds can be used during riots.
The GM-94 was derived from the RMB-93 shotgun and it has a similar layout. The rifled barrel that is fitted with a polymer heat shiels is located below the tubular magazine. The magazine holds three rounds or four in case of rubber baton rounds. The GM-94 is a pump action weapon and when a shot is fired the operator slides the barrel forward loading a new round. The GM-94 is fitted with either a tubular stock that folds upwards and has a rubber buttpad or a fixed stock. Flip up sights are located on top of the weapon.
The GM-94 fires a proprietary line of 43 mm grenades that includes thermobaric, high explosive, fragementation, shaped charge, tear gas, illuminating, signal, baton, rubber buckshot and flashbang rounds. The under barrel magazine holds three rounds and a single round is carried in the chamber. The maximum effective range is 300 meters, although rounds may reach as far as 600 meters. The thermobaric rounds are well suited for room clearing since they have a lethal radius of 3 meters and a safe radius of only a few meters more.
The GM-94 is used by Russian special law enforcement units and the military. It has been used in various conflicts. In law enforcement use it is mainly used with non-lethal ammunition and thermobaric ammunition. In the Russian army the GM-94, known as LPO-97 in military service, was at first issued only to chemical troops. Later the GM-94 was adopted by special forces and airborne units. The GM-94 is available for export.
Side view of GM-94 with stock folded.
Source: Allocer -
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The GM-94 is a multiple shot stand alone grenade launcher that fires a special range of ammunition. The GM-94 is mostly fitted with a tubular folding stock that acts as a carrying handle when folded. A version with fixed stock that extends from the pistol grip is also available.
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