SAET-60A torpedo on display in the museum of the Gidropribor research institute.
Source: V. Zamyatin and E. Erokhin, -
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The SAET-60 is a heavyweight torpedo of Soviet origin. The SAET-60 is a passive acoustic homing torpedo that is launched by submarines against surface vessels. Most earlier Soviet torpedoes for use against surface vessels were either non-homing or wake homing. The SAET-60 uses an electric motor and has a 300 kg high explosive warhead with impact and proximity fuse. The SAET-60 has a long service history. This is mainly due to the limited anti surface vessel capability of the USET-80 dual purpose torpedo.
SAET-60 was developed as a more capable successor to the SAET-50 torpedo. Having longer range, higher speed and better homing system.
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