Left side view of Llama M82 pistol.
Source: www.world.guns.ru -
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The Llama M82 is a late Cold War era pistol of Spanish origin. It was developed by Llama for use by the Spanish military.
The M82 is a full size double action / single action pistol. The internal mechanism is somewhat similar to the Beretta M951 and Walther P38. The M82 has a steel frame and slide. As such it is rather heavy and durable.
The M82 fires the 9x19mm Parabellum round from a 15 round dual stack magazine. It is a semi-automatic pistol with an effective range of several dozen meters.
The M82 was acquired by the Spanish military as its standard service pistol. Nowadays it is supplemented by newer designs such as the H&K USP and S&W M&P9. The Llama M82 was also sold on the civilian market and was exported in small quantities for law enforcement and military use.
In Spanish military service the M82 was replaced by the Heckler & Koch USP chambered in 9x19mm.
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