Right side view of FABARM SAT-8 Pro Forces semi-automatic tactical shotgun.
Source: www.fabarm.com -
© copyright lies with original owner
The SAT-8 is a semi-automatic tactical shotgun of Italian origin. It was developed by FABARM in the early 2000's for law enforcement use. The name SAT-8 stands for "Semi-Automatic Tactical, 8 shots".
The SAT-8 is a gas operated weapon using a gas system capable of dealing with medium to high pressure rounds. The tubular magazine is located below the barrel. The SAT-8 features polymer furniture and can be fitted with a wide variety of stocks, optics, accessories and muzzle devices. Ghost ring sights and a combination of choke and muzzle brake are standard.
The SAT-8 fires 12ga shells with a 2.75 or 3 inch case length. The tubular magazine holds 7 rounds. The gas operated mechanism allows for rapid semi-automatic fire. Low powered rounds must be cycled manually. The SAT-8 reportedly has good accuracy and is very controllable.
The SAT-8 is by various law enforcement and police units. Its use is not nearly as widespread as competitors such as the Benelli Super 90 series and the Remington M11-87.
SAT-8 Tactical (top), SAT-8 Pro Forces (middle), SAT-8 Pro Telescopic (below)
Source: www.fabarm.com -
© copyright lies with original owner
The FABARM SAT-8 series is based on the same receiver and barrel length. The models mainly differ in type of grip and stock. Accessory rails allow for optical sights and attachments such as lights to be fitted.
The M4 Super 90 is a direct competitor to the SAT-8.
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