Forward view of Eryx missile ready to fire.
Source: MBDA, Isabelle Chapuis -
© Copyright lies with original owner
The Eryx is a modern short range guided anti-tank missile of French origin. It was developed in the late 1980's as a highly effective replacement for unguided man portable rocket launchers in French and Canadian service. The Eryx is unique in being a low cost weapon with having a relatively short range for a guided weapon.
The Eryx is a tube launched wire guided anti-tank missile. It is fitted with a tandem HEAT warhead for use against modern tanks. The relatively small rocket motor results in low weight and limited production costs, at the cost of a limited maximum range. The Eryx uses a lightweight and reusable tripod launcher. The Canadian Mirabel thermal imager can be attached in order to supplement the day sight.
The Eryx uses a single type of missile that can be used against both armored vehicles and bunkers. The tandem HEAT warhead results in an armor penetration of 900 mm RHA behind ERA. The maximum range is 600 m.
For a guided anti-tank weapon the Eryx is highly mobile. The combination of launcher and missile in launch canister weighs less than 20 kg. This makes it suitable for urban warfare.
Rear view of French soldier with Eryx ready to fire from a window.
Source: MBDA, Frederic Watbled -
© Copyright lies with original owner
Cut away drawing of Eryx missile in launch cannister
Source: Unknown author -
© Copyright lies with original owner
The Soviet 9K115 Metis (NATO: AT-7 Saxhorn) is a short range anti-tank guided weapon. Its characteristics are very similar to the Eryx.
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