RPG-26 rocket launcher showing instruction manual on tube.
Source: www.talks.guns.ru -
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The RPG-26 Aglen is a disposable rocket launcher of Soviet origin. It is a simplified and improved version of the earlier RPG-22. It also serves as the bases for several special purpose warheads.
The RPG-26 is a product improved version of the RPG-22. The similar sized rocket features a slightly heavier and more powerful HEAT warhead and more powerful rocket engine. The limited extension of the RPG-22 launch tube was found of little use. Therefore the RPG-26 has a rigid non-telescoping launch tube.
The RPG-26 fires the PG-26 HEAT rocket. The shaped charge warhead will pierce 440 mm of homogenous steel armor. It can penetrate 1.5 m of bricks or 1 m concrete. The maximum effective range is about 250 meters.
The RPG-26 and its variants are actively used by Russian forces. It has been exported to several nations and is actively marketed for export. The more specialized variants are in Russian service and available for export as well.
The RPG-26 is a light weight anti-tank rocket launcher. The RPG-26 is preloaded and disposed when used. It is produced in only one variant that fires the PG-26 rocket with HEAT warhead.
The RShG-2 is similar to the RPG-26, but instead of a HEAT warhead a thermobaric warhead is installed. This makes the RShG-2 much more effective against infantry in the open and in buildings and against unarmored vehicles.
The RPG-26 is a simplified and improved version of the earlier RPG-22.
The RShG-2 is a variant of the RPG-26 with thermobaric warhead for use against personnel in fortified positions.
The RPG-27 is an enlarged and more capable variant of the RPG-26. It features a tandem HEAT warhead, making in more effective against targets with ERA.
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