The original BXP as produced by Milkor.
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The BXP is a late Cold War era sub machine gun of South African origin. It was developed in response to the arms embargo against South Africa and the resulting shortage of firearms. The weapon was designed and produced by Milkor, but later production rights switched to Milkor and ended up at Truvelo Armory where it is produced today.
The BXP is a blowback operated weapon that fires from an open bolt position. It looks very similar to the MAC-10 and uses a similar mechanism inside. The cocking lever is on top and the other controls are ambidextrous. An underfolding metal stock is fitted. It is possible to add a laser aiming module or collimator sight on top of the BXP.
The BXP fires the 9x19mm round from 22 or 32 round magazines. It has a two stage trigger that allows semi-automatic fire and automatic fire at 1.000 rounds per minute. The effective range is quoted as 50 to 100 meters. Muzzle grenades can be launched using a special muzzle device and blank rounds.
The BXP was adopted by the South African military and South African Police Service. It was also available for export and semi-automatic models were produced for civilian use
The current production model BXP as produced by Truvelo.
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© copyright lies with original owner
The BXP was initially produced in one version only, and offered with a wide range of accessories. In 1987 a semi-automatic only version became available. It seems a vast majority of production models was semi-automatic only.
In less than two decades the BXP was produced by no less than five different companies. Early models have similar specifications and were based on already manufactured Milkor parts. Over time various changes were carried out to suit production. For instance the stock changed twice. A Galil type side folding stock was briefly used, this was later replaced by a simple wire strut stock.
The specifications, especially weight, of the latest version of the BXP by Truvelo differs quite significantly from the original BXP.
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