ZPU-1 in a museum in Israel.
Source: Bukvoed -
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The ZPU-1 is an early Cold War era towed anti-aircraft gun of Soviet origin. It was developed at the same time as the ZPU-4 and ZPU-2 anti-aircraft guns, which have four and two barrels respectively. The ZPU-1 was intended for us by airborne and mountain troops that require a lighter weapon. As a towed single barrel weapon the ZPU-1 proved ill-suited against aircraft and helicopters, being supplemented by the reduced weight ZU-2 and replaced by the 23mm ZU-23 in Soviet service. A resurgence in desirability for the ZPU-1 is the post Cold War trend of mounting heavy armament on pick-up trucks for use as 'technicals', mainly in the ground support role.
The ZPU-1 is a lightweight two wheel mount for a single towed mount for the 14.5mm KPV belt-fed heavy machine gun. The two wheel mount has two small pneumatic tires which are raised in the firing position. In the firing position the ZPU-1 rests on its tripod legs. A single crew member is seated on the gun. His role it so aim and fire. Other crewmembers supply ammunition or replace the quick change barrel. Soviet doctrine called four a total crew of four.
The KPV heavy machine gun fires the 14.5x114mm round at a cyclic rate of fire of 600 rpm. When firing in short bursts the effective rate of fire is 150 rpm. The maximum effective anti-aircraft range is only 1.4 km, although its slant range is about 5 km. The ZPU-1 is effective against ground targets due to its volume of fire. It has the ability to pierce the armor of most Cold War era armored personnel carriers. Soviet doctrine issued 1.200 rounds per ZPU-1. For use against aircraft the VK-4 collimator sight is used, in the ground role there is an optical sight.
The ZPU-1 is the most mobile of the ZPU series. It is also much lighter than its successor, the 23mm ZU-23. It can easily be manhandled in position by the crew. Over shorter distances it is to be towed by a light utility vehicle. Over longer distances and at higher speeds it is to be carried portee. The ZPU-1 has seen use mounted on pick-up trucks and utility vehicles in many conflicts, especially in the Middle East and Africa. The ZPU-1 seems to be favored in this role as it makes the vehicle less top heavy and overburdened compared to heavier armament.
The ZPU-1 was adopted for airborne troops, mountain troops and light infantry. It was also exported to Soviet allies and used in various conflicts in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Contrary to some sources, the ZPU-1 was never produced in China. Their Type 75 is a local production version of the ZGU-1, which is a Soviet design that can be disassembled in small pieces for mountain, jungle and guerrilla warfare.
The ZPU-1 is fitted with a single 14.5mm KPV heavy machine gun.
The ZPU-4 is a much larger quad mount for the 14.5mm KPV using a four wheel chassis.
Chinese development for a lightweight single barrel 14.5mm infantry weapon. This doesn't use a KPVT but a new 14.5mm heavy machine gun design.
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