UMGT-1 on ammunition handling cart in front of Il-38 May ASW aircraft.
Source: A.A.Piragis @ -
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The UMGT-1 is a lightweight torpedo of Soviet origin. It was developed as a more capable alternative to the AT-1 torpedo for use on the URK-5 Rastrub rocket ASW system. Aside from being delivered as payload on various types of ASW rockets the UMGT-1 can also be launched from helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. In that role it is designated AT-3.
The UMGT-1 has a conventional layout with the homing section and warhead in the nose, the battery in the middle and the engine and control fins at the rear. Being battery powered the UMGT-1 has a limited effective range. This should not be a problem because the ASW rocket or aircraft should drop the UMGT-1 near its intended target. A drawback of the battery is that it is seawater activated. As such the UMGT-1 cannot be used in fresh water.
The UMGT-1 uses a passive and active sonar guidance system with an effective range of 1.5 km. The orignal UMGT-1 can only be used against submarines. The improved UMGT-1M can also target surface vessels.
The UMGT-1 has a range of 8 km and a speed of 41 kt. Targets up to 450 meters below sea level can be engaged. The 60 kg warhead is more powerful than those used on many other lightweight torpedoes.
The UMGT-1 carried as payload underneath the URK-5 Rastrub ASW rocket. Alternatively it is carried in the nose of the 533mm RPK-6 Vodopad or 650mm RPK-7 Veder ASW rocket torpedoes. The AT-3 version is air lauched by helicopters or Il-38 May ASW aircraft.
The UMGT-1 was widely used by the Soviet navy on aircraft and the ASW rocket systems on destroyers, cruisers and submarines. It remains in use with the Russian navy. Foreign use is believed to be limited.
UMGT-1 on ammunition handling cart.
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The UMGT-1 is an air launched lightweight torpedo that is carried as payload by ASW rocket systems. The aircraft launched version is designated AT-3 Orlan. The UMGT-1 can be identified by the four fins at the rear that extend beyond the diameter of the body and the pumpjet propulsion.
The AT-3 Orlan is one of the main type of lightweight trpedoes carried by the Ka-27PL (NATO: Helix-A) anti-submarine warfare helicopter.
The AT-3 Orlan is one of the main anti-submarine weapons of the Il-38 (NATO: May) maritime patrol aircraft.
The AT-3 Orlan is a smaller but more effective successor to the Soviet AT-2 aerial torpedo. Just as the AT-2 the UMGT-1 / AT-3 is carried on aircraft, helicopters and as payload for ASW rockets.
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