A number of 273mm Type 83 artillery rockets.
Source: Chinese internet -
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The 273mm Type 83 is an artillery rocket of Chinese origin. It was developed for use by the tracked Type 83 multiple rocket launcher. These artillery rockets are both fin and spin stabilized. The four wings at the end are fixed. The solid fuel rocket is unguided and only available with high explosive warhead. Individual rockets are loaded into the four round launcher by a crane equipped transloader truck.
The Type 83 has a maximum range of 40 km. Minimum range is 23 km. CEP is about 300 m in range and 500 m in lateral spread. The Type 83 carries four 273mm Type 83 rockets. A four round salvo is fired in 7.5 seconds.
The Type 83 multiple rocket launcher is the only system that fires the 273mm Type 83 artillery rocket.
The Type 83 seems to have been replaced in Chinese service with newer and more capable systems, such as the PHL03.
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