RPG-27 disposable rocket launcher in firing position.
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The RPG-27 Tavolga is a disposable rocket launcher of Soviet origin. It was developed in the late 1980's by the Bazalt design bureau to keep up with the improved armor found on new Western tanks. The RPG-27 basically is an enlarged RPG-26 that is fitted with a tandem and much larger warhead. The nickname Tavolga is Russian for "meadow grass".
The RPG-27 is a single shot anti-tank weapon and once used the launch tube is discarded. The launcher consists of a non-extendable fiberglass launch tube that is fitted with controls and mechanical sights. The launch tube houses a fin-stabilized warhead with tandem HEAT warhead. The smaller forward warhead is fitted to deny the effect of ERA.
The RPG-27 fires a tandem HEAT warhead capable of penetrating 600 mm of homogeneous steel armor behind ERA. Although the sights are gradated to 600 meters, the maximum effective range is about 200 meters.
The RPG-27 is in active use with the Russian forces. All three versions are available for export and the RPG-27 is probably in use with some Eastern European nations.
The RPG-27 is an enlarged and updated version of the RPG-26 design.
The RShG-1 is a variant of the RPG-27. It features a thermobaric warhead for use against infantry in the open and in buildings.
The RMG is a dual purpose weapon derived from the RPG-27 rocket launcher design.
While the RPG-27 has good penetration, it lacks lethality against personnel. The RMG balanced those two aspects.
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