Forward view of ZFB91 with Type 80 machine gun in Chinese service.
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The WZ523 is a late Cold War era wheeled armored personnel carrier of Chinese origin. It was developed in the early 1980's by Norinco to meet the requirements of the Chinese military, which opted for the more capable WZ551 instead. As such only limited quantities of the WZ523 were ever produced, mostly for export sales. Of the many proposed variants the ZFB91 internal security vehicle was the only one that was adopted in China.
The WZ523 is based on the 6x6 chassis of the HY472 and LT665 trucks and shares many automotive components. A large steel unibody makes up the body. The driver and commander are seated at the front. The engine and transmission is mounted in the middle between the front and rear wheels. The crew compartment is at the rear and is accessible through a large rear door. Usually a small turret is fitted.
The original WZ523 was fitted with a simple two man turret with a single 12.7mm Type 54 or QJC88 heavy machine gun. The ZFB91 has a one man turret with a single 7.62mm Type 80 machine gun, 12.7mm QJC88 heavy machine gun or 35mm QLZ-04 automatic grenade launcher. The newer WZ523M, also known as Type 05P, is offered with 30mm autocannon in a small turret similar to the one used on the ZSL92B.
The steel armor protects against small arms fire and shell splinters. An NBC system is fitted and six smoke grenade dischargers are fitted on the turret sides. It is possible that the wheels do not feature run flat inserts.
The 6x6 chassis allows for a good speed on roads and reasonable off road speeds. Due to the wheelbase the WZ523 has poor performance in harsh cross country scenarios. A 165 hp petrol engine provides propulsion. The maximum road speed is 80 km/h and the maximum road range is 600 km.
The ZFB91 is used in small quantities by the Chinese military and police forces. It has been exported in small numbers to various Asian and African nations.
A line of Chinese military ZFB91 armored personnel carriers with Type 80 machine gun.
Source: Sinodefense -
© copyright lies with original owner
The ZFB91 is the only version of the WZ523 that was ever produced in quantity. The small trials batch in the mid 1980's was fitted with a small open roof one man cupola with a 12.7mm Type 54 heavy machine gun. For export sales various weapon and turret options were available.
The ZFB91 internal security version was fitted with a much larger two man turret that is armed with a 12.7mm QJC88 heavy machine gun or 35mm QLZ-04 grenade launcher. Most vehicles are fitted as internal security vehicles and feature red lights and sirens.
WZ523M / Type 05P infantry fighting vehicle armed with 30mm autocannon in service with Ghana. Seen on parade in 2013.
Source: Government of Ghana -
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The WZ523M is a deep modernization of the WZ523 with very different hull front. It often features an increased roofline rear compartment, increasing the internal space. The engine is changed to a water cooled engine providing better performance in hot climate. The WZ523M if offered with new armament options, such as the turret with 30mm autocannon as used on the ZLS92B.
When prototypes were first shown in on parade in 1984 these were armed with a 12.7mm Type 54 machine gun in an open roof one man turret.
In Chinese service the ZFB91 is armed with a 7.62mm Type 80 machine gun in an enclosed one man turret. This a Chinese production model of the Soviet PK machine gun.
35mm automatic grenade launcher, which can be mounted in a one man turret.
12.7mm heavy machine gun, which can be mounted in a one man turret.
The WZ523 lost out to the WZ551 in Chinese trials, which was adopted as the ZSL92 when fitted with the 25mm overhead weapon system.
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