Display model of USET-80 heavyweight torpedo with cut-outs showing internal systems.
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The USET-80 is a late Cold War era heavyweight torpedo of Soviet origin. It was developed as a universal torpedo for use by submarines. A universal torpedo can be used against both submarines and surface targets.
The USET-80 is a heavyweight torpedo with 533mm diameter. Soviet torpedoes of this diameter are longer than their Western counterparts. USET-80 uses electric propulsion which allows it to dive very deep. Possibly up to 1 km depth, or more. Maximum speed is reported between 45 and 48 knots.
The USET-80 uses passive acoustic homing against submarines and active acoustic homing in the terminal phase. When employed against surface vessels the USET-80 uses acoustic wake homing. There is no wire guidance for mid course updates. The original USET-80 with its Vodopad acoustic sensor had a very poor track record in shallow waters and under the ice, while it worked well in deep open waters. For this reason the active homing SAET-60M was, and possible still is, used alongside the USET-80. The improved Keramika sensor in the USET-80K showed better results in shallow waters. Both sensor types were deemed of mediocre performance by late Cold War standards.
The warhead of the USET-80 is in the 200 to 300 kg range, which is effective against both submarines and larger surface vessels. Detonation is either by impact or magnetic proximity fuse.
The USET-80 can be launched by a wide range of late Cold War era Soviet submarines and modern Russian submarines. For several decades it was one of the main torpedoes found on Soviet/Russian submarines. Apparently it is not used on surface vessels or ASW aircraft.
The USET-80 was adopted in quantity by the Soviet navy and continued in service with the Russian navy. The USET-80 and USET-80K remain in service today, even on modern submarines like Project 955 Borei class.
SAET-60M was used alongside the early model USET-80, since the early models had poor performance in shallow water.
The UMGT-1 uses the same Keramika acoustic sensor as used in the USET-80K, but is a much smaller lightweight torpedo.
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